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Is a Right hand Hoodie Zipper a Ladies or Men's?

Is a Right hand Hoodie Zipper a Ladies or Men's?

Rob Mather |

Fatchimp provide zipper hoodies with embroidered unit badges, however some people have suggested that if the zip runs up from the right side, it must be a ladies hoodie? Not correct, and this is an urban myth in the modern day. 

Yes, it is a myth that zippers on the left are for men and zippers on the right are for women; traditionally, the opposite is true, with men's zippers typically being on the right and women's on the left, but this distinction is not always followed consistently across all clothing items and can vary depending on the designer and garment type.

Key points about this "myth":

Historical reason:

This convention likely stems from a time when women were often dressed by others, so buttons and zippers were placed on the left side to be easily accessible to a right-handed person dressing them.

Not always accurate:

While this is the traditional pattern, many modern clothing items disregard this distinction, and you can find zippers on either side for both men's and women's clothing.

Focus on functionality:

Some designers may choose the zipper side based on what is most functional for the garment design, not necessarily gender. 

See More Hoodies HERE

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